North Cyprus Merit Hotel Group Closes Indefinitely

North Cyprus Merit Hotel Group Closes IndefinitelyThe Republic of Northern Cyprus’ (TRNC) largest hotel chain on Monday announced that it will close its hotels indefinitely, citing ongoing economic uncertainty triggered by the coronavirus pandemic.

The Merit Group issued a statement on Monday, underlining the effects on the tourism industry of the ban on three-day unquarantined entrances,Duvar news site reported.

“We regret to announce to the public that we decided to close the Merit hotels, the biggest hotel chain in the TRNC, indefinitely, due to the ongoing instability and uncertainty as of today,’’ the statement said.

“Even the three-day unquarantined arrivals, which were previously implemented, were the motivation and lifeline to the tourism sector,’’ it added.

A recent spike in COVID-19 infection rates in TRNC has prompted the Health Ministry to increase compulsory quarantine to 10 days.


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