Kulaksiz 5 v Akfinans Bank - Back in Court

According to Cyprus Today the Kulaksiz 5 v Akfinans Bank case is back in court. EXPAT buyers in the Kulaksız 5 case were given new hope this week that their long-running legal battle to keep their homes may be coming to an end. […]

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Is the TRNC High Court Not Above Acting Unjustly?

Is the TRNC High Court Not Above Acting Unjustly?


I wrote this back in December 2015 . Of course then I did not know that the High Court were going to throw me out of the case in their final appeal judgment. A judgment that beggars belief in the cavalier way they ignored all the illegal acts of Akfinans Bank Limited […]

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Kulaksiz 1 v Akfinans Bank - Introducing 'Kulaksiz 1'

Kulaksiz 1 v Akfinans Bank - Introducing 'Kulaksiz 1'


And then there was ‘1’. Let me introduce you to the Kulaksiz ‘1’.

Of course, in truth, my being part of the Kulaksiz 5 was only ever tolerated by the other members and quite possibly the advocates too. My contribution to the fees being charged by the advocates was possibly the only […]

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