Asil Nadir Verdict | The Post Mortem


How you view the former boss of Polly Peck International, who now is incarcerated in one of Her Majesty’s prison in the UK having been found guilty on ten charges of theft, depends in the main on how you see him. Saint or sinner. The post mortem on the trial will continue […]

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TRNC FM Ersin Tatar Defends Asil Nadir and Blames Bad Advice


So the second act of the Asil Nadir saga will begin once the Appeal date is known. Personally I cannot wait.

Mr Ersin Tatar, Finance Minister for the TRNC and former employee of PPI, has come out in support of Mr Nadir according to the Famagusta Gazette. He is quoted as saying […]

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Ersin Tatar and the “Unimportant” Asil Nadir Money Transfer Documents”

Ersin Tatar’s Unimportant Asil Nadir Money Transfer Documents

UK newspapers are starting to pick up on the role of Ersin Tatar, TRNC Finance Minister, in the Polly Peck case, now that Asil Nadir has been found guilty of theft:

“Ersin Tatar, a fellow Turkish Cypriot who had been Polly Peck’s assistant treasurer, […]

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