North Cyprus News - Cyprus Today 21st January 2023

North Cyprus News - Cyprus Today 21st January 2023Here is the North Cyprus News on the front page of Cyprus Today on 21st January 2023, or at least the lack of it. Lots of speculation, however.


‘CAPABLE TO END POWER CUTS’ – POWER cuts in the TRNC will become a thing of the past once the country has been plugged in to Turkey’s grid, senior officials have vowed. The longstanding grand project to link the two countries with an underwater connection, which has been likened to the pipeline that was built in the previous decade to pump fresh water from Turkey to the TRNC, received a massive boost after Prime Minister and National Unity Party leader Ünal Üstel travelled to Ankara on Tuesday. Editor: Bit like the dependence on Russian gas, perhaps?

‘Time for TRNC to be recognised’ – THE “time has come” for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus to be recognised as an independent state, the Speaker of the Turkish Grand National Assembly (TBMM), Mustafa Şentop, has said.

Court threat to plastic bag ban – THE head of the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Industry, Ali Kamacıoğlu, has said members of his organisation are threatening to take the government to court over its decision to ban disposable plastic bags.

UN peacekeepers shown the red card – A ROW broke out between the TRNC and the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus (Unficyp) this week after UN soldiers attempted to block access from a staircase leading to a buffer zone football field used by a Turkish Cypriot football club.


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