According to UK’s Independent newspaper (10.8.2019), when a Dead Green Turtle was found on a Cyprus Beach it was discovered that its Gut Contained 183 Pieces of Plastic. This is because Green turtles are more likely to swallow plastics that resemble foods in their natural diet, a new study has found.
The creatures are fooled by narrow lengths of plastic in natural colours like green and black, such as bin bags, because they look like seagrass, scientists found. A team from the University of Exeter and the Society for the Protection of Turtles, came to this conclusion after they examined the guts of turtles found washed up on beaches in Cyprus.
All of the turtles whose full gastrointestinal tract could be examined were found to have swallowed plastic:
“Previous research has suggested leatherback turtles eat plastic that resembles their jellyfish prey, and we wanted to know whether a similar thing might be happening with green turtles,” Dr Emily Duncan, from the University of Exeter, said.
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