Kulaksiz Construction Limited the company with the name that means ‘without ears’ have featured in yet another landmark case; on the 7th December 2011, at the Famagusta Courts this time, where yet another of their victims won her case. But the twist in this tale is that she won a case against the Ministry of the Interior for their alleged negligence in allowing the site in Tatlisu to be built without Planning Permission. The home owner, a Norwegian lady, allegedly took out this landmark case citing both the Landowner and the Ministry of the Interior ergo the Government.
This victory has so many implications for all purchasers who are in a similar position. The Government will now allegedly be responsible for implementation of all the infrastructure to the home of the successful litigant if the Government do not Appeal this decision or if the Appeal is unsuccessful. This is thought to be the first time a purchaser has allegedly successfully sued a Government Department for their lack of diligence in policing the Building Industry.
The litigant fully expects the Government to Appeal this decision and is in court again on January 2012 when she will submit her claim for additional monetary compensation against the defendants. This short report is the precursor to a full interview which the homeowners have agreed to grant me.
I can fully understand that the present Government would like never to hear the name of Kulaksiz again. Kulaksiz 5 have the unwanted distinction of being the first site to have been auctioned to satisfy a debt this errant builder helped to acquire, and now the first purchaser to allegedly successfully sue the Government is also a Kulaksiz victim.
Let us hope that the Bill to implement the proposed law to cap the interest Banks can receive on loans makes it to the Statute Books in the very near future. Surprise, surprise, Kulaksiz through Akfinans Bank are also very much involved in the need for such a change.
In early October, I first broke the story of the Minister of Finance’s Directorship of Akfinans Bank Limited in 2009 but, following on that, I have to say the Minister has acted in a very honourable fashion and is indeed the architect of this new Bill. I do believe in giving credit (at a reasonable rate) where credit is due and so I say to Mr. Ersin Tatar ‘Sir, you have done the right thing and pinned your colours in the right place’.
Never give in, never give up
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