North Cyprus News - Cyprus Today 30th November 2019

North Cyprus News - Cyprus Today 31st December 2019Today’s North Cyprus News in Cyprus Today is a mixture of old and new. AtlasGlobal shutdown is old news but the South planning to stop non-EU citizens passing through the crossings is news to me. Combine the two articles and you get British ex-pats in the future having to rely on Turkish airlines for their trips home, assuming that Boris Johnson ‘Gets Brexit Done’ according to his preferred option of ‘No Deal’.


AtlasGlobal ‘Earthquake’ – THE TRNC tourism sector is bracing itself for the fallout of airline AtlasGlobal’s “earthquake” decision to ground all its flights until December 21. The announcement was made with no warning on Tuesday when thousands of passengers who had already booked tickets were told that flights had been cancelled.

South plans to halt the entry of non-EU citizens from the TRNC – CONCERNS have been raised over Greek Cypriot plans to prohibit all citizens of non-EU countries from crossing into South Cyprus from the TRNC. Republican Turkish Party MP and former head of the Cyprus Turkish Chamber of Commerce Fikri Toros said that the Greek Cypriot leadership should be “very careful” over its attempts to crackdown on what it described as “illegal immigration”.

TCs welcome PM at Heathrow – PRIME Minister Ersin Tatar has flown into London for his first trip to the British capital since taking the helm of the government in May. Mr Tatar, speaking exclusively to Cyprus Today, said he wanted to visit the UK prior to the December 12 general election there to “gauge the views of Turkish Cypriots living there” during numerous meetings with community representatives.

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