Pauline Read | Have a Great Thanksgiving Celebration

This being the fourth Thursday in November makes it Thanksgiving Day in the USA.

Many of you are aware that I am half American on my father’s side and not a little Commanche thanks to my father’s mother. Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day in the U.S. and my heart and my good wishes go out to all Americans everywhere. Obviously I could not resist this photo taken on my trip to my third home in June this year. Mr Obama is such a gracious host, how kind of him to allow me to visit his home. My first home now is North Cyprus, I love it here warts and all, my second home is England, my third the good old US of A. God preserve North Cyprus, God Save the Queen, God Bless America.

To all Americans wherever you are have a Great Thanksgiving celebration. I am not keen on turkey (the edible kind) but I love Pumpkin Pie and Pecan Pie. Did I mention I like cakes.

Pauline Read | Have a Great Thanksgiving Celebration

Pauline Ann Read

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