Cyprus News Update | Asil Nadir Rumoured to now be in Belmarsh Prison


Abraham Lincoln said, “You may fool all of the people some of the time, you may even fool some of people all of the time, but you cannot fool all of the people all of the time”.

How true this has turned out to be in the ongoing legal case against TRNC Tycoon Asil Nadir, currently being played out at the Old Bailey. The reduced Jury of ten has found Mr Nadir guilty of ten of the thirteen charges against him.

Later today, the Judge is due to sentence Mr Nadir for the ten charges he has been found guilty of. Mr Nadir has been found not guilty on three of the thirteen charges. Speculation is rife as the severity of the sentence and the Defence has already announced its intention to Appeal the decision.

Allegedly Mr Nadir was taken to Belmarsh Prison in south east London on Monday following the first three guilty verdicts. I suppose you could already claim that Mr Nadir is a flight risk as he has a history of doing so. Indeed in 1993, following the collapse of Polly Peck International in 1990 and with charges being levelled against him, Mr Nadir did just that. From 1993 until 2010 Mr Nadir lived in his native TRNC and returned to the UK in 2010 to face the music.

Well the play is not over until the fat lady sings and she is not even ‘tuning up’ as yet. This play is set to run in London longer than The Mouse Trap.

Pantomime, Play or Farce, today we will find out how severe the punishment will be.

Power to the people

Citizen Smith

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