Kulaksiz 5 v Akfinans Bank | 28th January at Girne District Court


Monday 28th January at Girne District Court at 9.30 am – Kulaksiz 5 will be in court for the first appearance in their MAIN CASE.

It has been made an event on the original Stop the Blackmail in North Cyprus FaceBook Group and any one who wishes to show their solidarity with K5 are welcome to attend.

Please be aware that the court used is small so you will probably have to sit in the coffee area at the back of the court building.

I know the police read these notices so for them I’ll make it clear that we are law abiding people, outraged at what is happening to the Kulaksiz 5, but as usual the supporters will be there to quietly show their support. To the supporters I say, please as you always do, be respectful of the police, the court and the people of north Cyprus, they are all just doing their jobs. I know I do not really have to tell you, but since I know they are reading this and they have always attended our hearings, I want them to know that we know how to behave. It is a pity that the corrupt and greedy have not learned by such dignified and honest behaviour.

Let us pray that Mortgage Law 11/78 section 21 is the saviour of the Kulaksiz 5.

On the 5th February 2013 Pauline Read will be at the court in Girne again for the second appearance in her 5th Writ case issued against her by ***DELETED*** Bank. She does not know how many of her seven fellow defendants will be there. She will be with her Advocate. One has to wonder where the Bank are going with this as Pauline was told that the Supreme Broadcasting Authority found that the complaint against the programme in question by DELETED BANK had no substance. Pauline tells me that court appearance number 200 for her cannot be far away although she has stopped counting. A champagne reception on that day might be in order? Strange isn’t it, a lady who never appeared in a court before coming to this island will soon have more than a habitual criminal, go figure.

Of course, the Bank has unlimited money, Pauline does not, so maybe that is the answer to the question posed in paragraph 4.

Never give in never give up


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