Greenpeace Arctic30 – Paul McCartney Writes to Putin
Paul McCartney has written to Putin to ask him to help free the Arctic 30. Putin is a big Beatles fan, and they’ve met before. In his letter Macca writes with the same admiration we all have for the Arctic 30. Most importantly he calls for their release.
“Forty-five years ago I wrote a song about Russia for the White Album, back when it wasn’t fashionable for English people to say nice things about your country. That song had one of my favourite Beatles lines in it: ‘Been away so long I hardly knew the place, gee it’s good to be back home.’
“Could you make that come true for the Greenpeace prisoners?”
The Russian Ambassador responded saying the situation “is not properly represented in the world media.” McCartney replies: “It would be great if this misunderstanding could be resolved and the protestors can be home with their families in time for Christmas. We live in hope.”
Paul McCartney is incredibly influential in Russia. In 2003 he was given a personal guided tour of the Kremlin by Putin, who was reported as telling him, “You are loved here [in Russia].” The letter also reveals they’re on first name terms.
If you’re on Twitter and looking for a bit of fun, check out #BeatlesArctic30Songs (my favourites so far are Shell On A Rig Be and Here Comes Gazprom…)
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