Bringing Fun to Retirement with A North Cyprus Holiday

Bringing Fun to Retirement with A North Cyprus HolidayAfter working for more than half your life, you might be thinking about the retirement years and what you want to do when you no longer have to hit the alarm to work those 9-5 office hours. If you have a great retirement or pension plan that will allow you to take off and book a holiday in North Cyprus, you’re going to fall in love with this area and possibly never want to leave! If you have spent much time at the beach in Florida or on the coast of California, you may be asking yourself, what’s so great about North Cyprus and why should I plan a holiday there? Here are some of the top reasons you’re going to love this place:

  • The weather is outstanding.
  • You can find inexpensive yet amazing accommodations.
  • The area is safe and has extremely low crime rates.
  • English is a common language (Although Turkish is of course the primary language!)
  • The food is incredible.
  • The scenery is majestic.
  • You will love the culture and the people you meet.
  • There is so much to do in North Cyprus.
  • There are café’s and bars on almost every corner.

Okay, so those are just some of the great reasons to plan a retirement holiday in North Cyprus. Let’s go into a little detail about those points so you’ll have a better understanding of just how much you’re going to love your holiday in this amazing place.

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Weather: The weather is warm and sunny most of the year. Winter weather can see some rain, but even then, it is usually warm! From June until September, you can plan to have warm, dry and sunny days to enjoy exploring the area.

Accommodations: Whether you want to stay and play at the local casino or you prefer those quaint, romantic hotels where you can enjoy peace and quiet, you’re going to find you have a choice of hotels and villas to rent when you travel to North Cyprus. Rates can run anywhere from $100 per night to over $500 per night depending on where you choose, but you are sure to have many choices for the most comfortable beds and other amenities for guests on holiday.

Safety and Crime: The United States Department of State has stated that Cyprus is safe and has less violent crime than other European countries that are similar in size. Armed violence is very uncommon and one of the biggest issues that holiday travelers may need to worry about is heavy or slow traffic.

Language: Turkish and Greek are the primary languages but when you go out to eat or shop or just check things out, you’re going to find many English-speaking locals thanks to the tourism industry in Cyprus.

The Food: A meal in North Cyprus is not like anything you have head before. When you sit down, you can expect to have ten or fifteen dishes served per meal which allows a wide array of flavor! North Cyprus has so many restaurants throughout that you will have a variety of foods to choose from every day of your stay. As a matter of fact, you’ll find more than 300 restaurants that serve not only traditional Turkish foods, but you can also find Chinese, American, Irish, Indian and more.

Majestic Scenery: North Cyprus is a picturesque place where life’s worries just seem to drift away on the waves of the beautiful sea. Surrounded by beautiful blue water, rolling hills and spectacular scenes of nature, this coastal paradise is not only filled with natural beauty but you’re also going to see castles, ruins, museums, wonderful people and incredible art work displayed throughout every building you visit. It’s a wonderful place to visit, but an incredible place to see.

Culture and People: The people of North Cyprus are very hospitable and work hard to make sure their guests feel comfortable and at home. They are fun yet down to earth and place family time high on their list of things to do daily. As a matter of fact, you may find the people so hospitable that it makes you feel bad when you need to leave their place of business to venture out to another location after a meal or shopping spree because their kindness can be overwhelming to those who are not used to such friendliness.

As for culture, you’re going to find many Turkish customs including festivals and events held monthly, Turkish dress and fashion and even Turkish hospitality with welcoming strangers to their home.

Things to Do: Whether you are planning a trip for a week or even a month or longer, it is highly unlikely that you will ever run out of fun things to do. You can visit museums filled with artifacts or even ancient ships (fully restored) or castles where royal families lived. There are also Segway and walking tours of the shopping district and of course, great fun on the water! Surfing, swimming and boating as well as fishing, diving and snorkeling are always in season in North Cyprus.

Bars and Restaurants: With more than 300 local restaurants, you’ll never have to worry about finding somewhere to have dinner. You will however have to determine what type of food you want and where to go and with so many choices, deciding can be tough.

When it comes to finding a good bar or pub to have a drink you’re going to find that having a cold brew or a mixed drink is readily available on virtually every street corner you pass. Best of all, many of the local bars and pubs offer live music, karaoke and late hours to dance with friends or even sit and enjoy a romantic evening out on the town. You’ll find casual bars, upscale bars and great beer and people no matter which place you venture into!

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As you can see, North Cyprus has so much to offer and what better time than now to plan your visit? Whether you are planning retirement or just a much-needed holiday to relax and unwind, be sure to consider North Cyprus for a holiday that you are sure to love.


2 comments to Bringing Fun to Retirement with A North Cyprus Holiday

  • Polly Marples

    Of course, if you are personna non grata because you were foolish enough to buy a property there and shouted long and hard about it…you cannot return there.

    Moral of that being DO NOT BUY IN north Cyprus…aka Turkish Republic of Nationalised Corruption. but….and there is always a but…do holiday there and help the good people to make a living.

    Learn from the mistakes of so many who have had their villas stolen even though they do not owe anyone any money.

  • Polly Marples

    No fun in buying in north cyprus to retire there, and then having your dream home stolen from you.
    No fun at all.