Pauline Read replies to Nigel Watson’s Attempt to Misinform


I will satisfy the ignorance and total stupidity of Nigel Watson aka John Good because being pig thick he really should be tied up in his sty.

In his usual courageous style he started a thread on his site laughingly referred to as North Cyprus Forum, you know the site he bans […]

Nige’s Stop the Blackmail Group Names and Shames

John Good, aka Nigel Watson, has gone one step further than most property victims would dare, he has named and shamed those who are blackmailing him personally. This extract reproduced from the Stop the Blackmail in North Cyprus FaceBook Group (not Pauline Read’s original group) shows there is one case where he is willing […]

STBINC | Word War Three

I happened by accident on to Cyprus Forum yesterday. Quite a feat since I seem to have been barred from there too.

I read ‘nige”s sanitised version of why I am no longer allowed to be a member of Stop the Blackmail in North Cyprus, the second version. The version that I put so […]