“After legal advice from my Barrister Barry Stewart in 1997, I left the United Kingdom for the Turkish Republic of Northern Cyprus (TRNC). The reasons being, 1) I would not receive a fair trial due to the media coverage, 2) I did not want to be a witness against my brother
On the 8/7/2010 I was sentenced to five years imprisonment. The Judge ruled that because I was the owner of the “Coliseum Club” I allowed drugs to be sold in the premises, although I had leased the club to 3rd parties. I was not involved nor did I make any money directly from the sale of drugs. The Judge and the CPC also accepted this as the basis of my plea.
SOCA had initially attributed the freezing of my bank account(s) to the money in the account being proceeds of crime. Until the £1.5 million had been frozen I had no problems with either my customers or the “UBP” (The ruling party of the TRNC at that time). The customers and I had agreed to ‘stage payments’, therefore there are £4.5 million in accounts receivable. There was more than £500k in my business account. There was £5 million worth of property to be sold. I did not have any outstanding debts, such as taxes, returned cheques and I did not have any leverage, thus I was very solvent. The freezing of the accounts and subsequent actions by SOCA and CTP (who were the ruling party at that time) had disastrous consequences for both the customers and I.
Unbeknown to me SOCA had tried via Turkey for a number of years to repatriate me. As they realised the legal channel had closed, they set up a dialogue with the newly elected CTP Government. When Justice Collins placed a Property Freezing Order on the £1.5 million, SOCA seized the opportunity to badger and mislead the TRNC Attorney General (Said Akin). Due to this illegal meeting the TRNC Government:
1) barred my return to the TRNC closing my building sites down
2) closed mine and my solicitors (Talat Kursat’s) bank accounts, illegally without (first obtaining) a court order
3) started a “KARA-PARA” (black money) investigation. This black money investigation ended with my solicitor and I being cleared of all charges. See Ahmet Uzan’s (Finance Minister)
4) my construction site was closed down and all my heavy plant machinery and building materials were transferred to BAFRA, a Government site controlled by Cafer Gurcafer whom is the head of the Construction Union.
5) My TRNC citizenship was revoked – which was illegal as the Judge returned it in my absence at a later date.
Local lawyer’s had a field day, encouraging my customers to take out “injunctions”, causing more panic amongst the customers. I spent 9 months in Thailand proving my innocence. I made an official complaint with Mert Guchu (TRNC solicitor) to the Turkish Embassy in Bangkok. Consequently the TRNC Prime Minister Ferdie Sabit Soyer invited me back to the TRNC (see his letter) I voluntarily returned to the TRNC even after death threats were made against me (see Serdar Dentas’ Letter).
On my return to the TRNC I was at the courts (Injunction) and the Police Station on a daily basis, with the “KARA PARA” and the UK’s customer’s injunctions. My progress to resume construction was thwarted until the customers had decided they had enough of the stalemate. They wrote to the Prime Minister Soyer wanting Cafer to be removed from AGA Developments LTD (he became a Director on Soyer’s behest). At a later date the protocol was signed. This was an agreement signed by the customers who wanted to proceed and myself (this was a long time after my accounts had been froze and monies seized), chaired by Serap Destgul.
Due to the “total chaos” in the construction sector in the TRNC I (not exclusively) and the customers were offered a “tax amnesty” If the builder agreed (which I did) on the provision that all contracts were legal (land to be built on) were stamped at the tax office and registered at Tapau (Land Registry). I actually agreed to transfer all the titles to customers if permitted. However we could not transfer due to 1) TRNC did not given the Council of Ministers permission to purchase (P2P). 2) Injunctions placed by Customer’s Lawyer have halted any transfer.
TRNC Police/Government has not asked for SOCA’s assistance in any property matters of mine, in their Jurisdiction. I have never been charged with any matter by the TRNC authorities, so does SOCA have any legal jurisdiction?!
SOCA need to prove I committed “Serious Fraud”, presumably on my own as solicitors, estate agents and the TRNC Government have not been implicated.
How can this be a “serious fraud” as there is no deception, all contracts were signed in my name. The contracts were wrote in English and checked by customer’s solicitors. TRNC Government accepted the “P2P” applications to own their own villas. The Tax Office accepted 6% tax dues and stamped contract’s which were duly registered at Tapau. I even physically attended Tapau to try and transfer the title to one of my customers as a test case. Some customers live in their houses; some customers still want their houses. Many customers due to the lengthy period of time want my ‘blood’ due to SOCA’s manipulation. So what “Serious Fraud” have I committed? I explained that I was expanding to Thailand. I placed a confirmation on Larry’s BB.
SOCA could not achieve my extradition, so they resorted to dirty tactics. Money stopped, which was the first link in the chain, initially this was a drugs charges then to fraud. For what conceivable reasons would SOCA change their case from one to the other? SOCA would have been well aware that the TRNC- CTP Party would not have entertained them otherwise. SOCA aided my “Extraordinary Rendition”; and they contributed with the ABAG/TRNC Government to create a ‘hate campaign’. I was the perfect target, the perfect ‘kicking boy’ for everyone. The reasons being: The TRNC Government for the mistakes they had made the customers because the work had stopped on their villas. SOCA because they were hell bent to get me back to the UK at any cost.
I believe SOCA acted in a manipulative, scheming manner. They have constantly pushed the buttons of the ABAG group/ TRNC Government. Over a protracted period of time, they have caused the AGA customers to side against me.
SOCA Interview- 9.9.2010
Due to the ongoing case SOCA is perusing against me there is a lot I cannot divulge at this moment in time. However I can confirm that on the record I accused SOCA of misleading the CTP Government, and with other actions, jointly caused by both bodies I am now bringing civil action against both parties in the UK. The TRNC courts have already ruled what happened to my mother and I was an illegal action, also my citizenship has been returned.
No one from the TRNC Government has approached me about handing over land to any AGA Customers. As I have always stated, I will gladly sign over any land to a bona-fide customer who still wants their property, with the TRNC Government doing as they have promised. To give out hiss shares.
The CTP (TRNC) government consisting of Ferdie Sabit Soyer, Ozcan Murat, and Cafer Gurcafer, conspired to return me from Thailand to the TRNC only to obtain my signature for a irrevocable power of attorney. Dr Harman and I went to Ozcan Murat’s for a meeting only days before I was deported. Dr Harman warned me not to give the CTP a ‘P.O.A’, as I would get deported soon after, however, it appears as though this was inevitable with or without my signature.
Cafer/Soyer/Murat conspired to get me back for my signature only to earn out of my sites. Dr Harman warned me never to give them my signature for a power of attorney. Because all of my property was loan free. The CTP Party wanted the land for them. After my final refusal to Ozcan Murat he deported me illegally with the help of the UK agencies.
If UBP party does not allow me back to defend myself and customers rights in the court cases, I will be taking legal action in both the UK and the TRNC for the losses they have caused for both the customers and I. Some of which have been brought about by lying land owners to cheat the UK buyers. I would also want to find a solution to the stalled construction sites.
The CTP Party and its ‘Henchmen’ through greed and SOCA through their complacency caused this mess. Is the UBP going to sit back and allow this to happen? Or are they equally as bad? I am sure the Turkish Cypriots living in the United Kingdom are not aware of this chaos. Due to the open nature of the United Kingdom and the legal system there will not be any similar experiences for foreign nationals.
I will be released from H.M.P Holme House in mid 2011. So from now I would like you, my customers, to decide what we are going to do? As we need to agree an action plan. At this moment in time SOCA are pursuing a civil case against me in the UK and have a freezing order on the monies held in their jurisdiction. I am not sure how long the case can go on for, but it is estimated that 25-30% of this money could be used in my legal fees. Additionally I am not sure if people are aware of the conditions of SOCA; they are a ‘self supporting agency’ which means that the cases they win, the proceeds do not go to the ‘victims’, but they get reused towards future cases. This would mean that if they were to win the case against me they would not give customers a penny in compensation.
If SOCA were to win the case against me there would not be any possibilities of Amaranta Valley (AV) being finished. However if I were to win the case against SOCA the monies would be used to finish AV in accordance with the formerly agreed protocol. Upon my release I will request that the UBP party corrects the wrong doings of the CTP party and SOCA, once the land is placed under a newly formed owners cooperative Ltd Company, we can move forward.
I would be very appreciative you can reply to either a lawyer/agent at the earliest convenience as I will then be able to instruct my Barrister on the correct course of action.
Gary Robb”
Source: http://agabuyersactiongroup.wordpress.com/2010/11/29/north-cyprus-letter-from-gary-robb/
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